Quality Assurance and Testing

High-quality, comprehensive testing services tailored to your business needs.

Digital Transformation requires a true mind shift for businesses across all industries and increased quality is one of the top IT priorities. Demands for higher quality have increased beyond software development and the testing must be more comprehensive and spanning across the entire digital value chain and ecosystem.

Indrivo employs a holistic approach in offering its continuous and omnichannel testing services to address the multifaceted needs of digital transformation. We offer full-cycle testing and quality assurance (QA) services for desktop, web, mobile, cloud, IoT and embedded applications and platforms and we have added customer centricity, business functionalities and analytics to our suite of services for true digital core testing. We also offer consultancy and advisory services to increase your system performance and security.

We have developed a set of guidelines, checklists, processes and methodologies to use a combination of manual techniques and automated tools for supporting business-facing as well as technology facing testing.

Main types of testing we provide:

Unit and Component testing: tests that relate to code quality.

Functional testing: tests that focus on the business-related aspects of the product and the actual functionality of the system. These include prototypes and scenarios testing.

Usability and Exploratory Testing: tests that test the product in a realistic way for user experience and to measure business results. These also include UAT (User Acceptance Testing), Alpha & Beta Testing.

Non-functional testing: system Performance and Load testing, Security (including stress and infrastructure testing, compatibility and stability).


Additional testing services:

Integration, Interoperability and Migration Testing

A group of software components is combined and is tested to verify the hardware integration and the interaction between other software components along with migration from the existing system to the new system.

Regression testing

This testing verifies that the system still works the same and it ensures the software doesn’t regress in functionality. This is typical in an Agile environment where software is developed incrementally and there is a constant possibility that adding new features could interfere with existing ones.

Penetration testing

Also known as "pen" testing, is a simulated cyber attack against your computer system that looks for exploitable vulnerabilities.

Depending on the types of tests, the industry requirements and the customer’s business goals, Indrivo employs all the resources and helps you take full advantage of technology-led, intelligent test solutions.

We can help you get the best out of your testing efforts. Reach out our team to discuss your concerns.

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