Web Application Development
Public Platform

Game-design thinking applied to E-Learning portal for 15000 students


Alba Iulia is placed at the vanguard of Smart Cities that bring the future closer from the perspective of improving the Educational act and the efficiency of the interactive collaboration between pupils and teachers, on the one hand, and between schools and parents, on the other hand.


As part of its transformation process, the Alba County school officials were looking to implement an E-Learning culture in which the emphasis was on the teacher, the student, and the technology used to facilitate the learning experience. As such, they needed an E-Learning portal that would give access to more than 15,000 pupils to an interactive learning environment with an integrated capability to run tests and contests.


For this customer, our team tested the concept of applying game-design thinking to a non-game application or simply put, gamification. Tests and contests were conducted through a web platform that represents a combination of learning and games. Courses and evaluation materials were delivered to the pupils in game format, organized by levels and sub-levels. The innovative feature of this platform was the capability to adapt, referring to the smart movement of the pupil within the contests. Additionally, we’ve successfully created the possibility to pass automatically to another level, if certain conditions were met (expressed by variable algorithms).

  • Content module – contained lessons and tests before the contest.
  • Contest module – allowed creation and management of contests, tests, generating results according to the scores for each test or action within the system.
  • Admin module – administration of the content, entities (schools, groups of pupils), roles and user profiles (teachers, tutors, advisers, pupils, etc.).
Workflow Management
E-Learning Integration
Adaptive learning with Machine Learning processes

Results & Benefits

Our team has succeeded to create an immersive learning experience using gamification design-thinking and technology.

  • Blended learning: allowed teachers to combine face-to-face and online learning.
  • Better learning experience with increased levels of engagement.
  • Instant feedback prompting behavioral change.



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